Today Svetozar Marković Grammar School.
Address: 1 Sándor Petőfi Street
24000 Subotica, Serbia
Phone: +381 (0)24-552-820
E-mail: gimnasium.subotica@gmail.com

The building as the main grammar school for boys was designed by Ferenc Raichle (Apatin, 1869 – Budapest, 1960) in neo-baroque style at the end of the 19th century. The institution began its operations in this building in 1899. Above the main entrance there is a standing figure of a naked young man, leaning his hands on baroque volutes with the emblem of Subotica and the other with some details of the family coat of arms of the designer. The facade decoration of the first floor in baroque style is highlighted with garlands and grotesque satires in full sculpture. On the top frontal cupola there are two sitting figures of angels that support the globe. Originally a cross was set on the top of the globe, because the institution had a religious character at that time. The sculptures and the globe were made of zinc metal with forging, and the figures are treated realistically. The building has an imposing entrance hall and a three-fold staircase, as well as a banquet hall, and originally it was connected through a functional hall with a particular building, planned to be the schoolmaster’s apartment. The building houses a permanent exhibition dedicated to the writer Dezső Kosztolányi.
(Olga K. Ninkov)
Brenner József (Csáth Géza) (2000): Napló 1897–1899. Életjel, Szabadka, 110.
Martinović Cvijin, Kata (2002): Subotički opus Ferenca J. Rajhla – Raichle J. Ferenc szabadkai alkotásai. In: Krstić, Boško (ed.): Secesija u Subotici – Szecesszió Szabadkán.Književna zajednica, Subotica – Kijárat Kiadó, Budapest, 76–103.
Magyar Lászó (1999): Iratvallató. Életjel, Szabadka, 142.
Rakočević–Cvijanov Maja – Džamić Neda (2011): Fasadni reljefi i skulpture u zaštićenom jezgru Subotice. Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture –Községközi Műemlékvédelmi Intézet, Subotica.