Gallery of the First Colony of Artists of Straw Technique, Tavankut
Address: 10 Marko Orešković Street
24214 Donji Tavankut, Serbia
Phone: +381 (0)24 4767 048
E-mail: galerijatavankut@gmail.com

The Gallery of the First Colony of Artists of Straw Technique was founded in Tavankut in 2011, and it is located in a country house that once belonged to Anica Balažević, a straw-weaver. The gallery was established after fifty years of organized work on gathering women who create objects and pictures with straw technique in Tavankut and after twenty-five years of continuous operation of the First Colony of Artists of Straw Technique. The aim of its existence is keeping and enlarging the collections of objects made of straw, as well as constant presentation of creating with straw technique through exhibitions, art colonies, educational workshops and playhouses, lectures and the like. Therefore the programs that are held in the Gallery throughout the year refer to these forms of presenting creative work in straw technique. The Gallery’s collection preserves works of straw-weavers who has been creating since the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century, including the works of the most prominent straw-weavers: Ana Milodanović, Teza Milodanović, Teza Vilov, Mara Ivković Ivandekić, Marija Dulić, Marija Vojnić, Jozefina Skenderović and others.
Ljubica Vuković Dulić