Lenin Street
24342 Pačir
Phone: +381 (0)24 721-024 (Saint Anne parsonage in Bajša)
E-mail: subisk@tippnet.rs


The church of the Holy Cross in Pačir was erected in classical style in 1824, which formerly belonged to the parish in Bajmok, while nowadays the parish priest of Bajsa is on service in Pačir as well. The main front has two empty niches and a central window above the gate, as well as a vigorous ledge. There are semicircular windows arranged along the aisle wall. There is a main altar-piece on the wall of the sanctuary with semicircular closing, depicting Christ’s crucifixion, which was painted in Pest in 1827 by Alajos Jenny (? – 1834). The side-altar of Mary was erected in 1873, while they made a Lourdes cave on the place of the former altar-piece in 1901. In 1943, József Őri scene painter and Ernő Gebauer church painter made the wall paintings showing the saints of Árpáds and other scenes. The copy of the statue from Marizell, placed next to the pulpit was brought from the famous holy place by the patron of Pačir, Lajos Szucsits. There are silver offers in the glass case proving the faith of former parishioners. The statues are from series production of the 20th century.
Korhecz Papp Zsuzsanna
Damján, Zsolt (2010): A kereszt árnyékában. A pacséri római katolikus egyházközség története. Čikoš group. Szabadka.